One of my all time favorite books and movie is Pride and Prejudice. Can you imagine such a prideful man as Mr. Darcy His love so divine, so courageous. If only woman these days could find a love so meaningful. The greatness between Mr. Darcy and his love Ms. Elizabeth simply takes my breath away. The reason I speak of this, is because I have read the book twice and seen the movie so many times I cant count; and each time when he looks at her standing tall and manly with such vulnerability declares that his love has not changed from so much time before, but that he hopes hers had; and that if they had he would never for one second want to be separated from her, I shed a tear each time..At that moment she knows that with all of her that she was in love that everything she had thought of Mr. Darcy was mistakenly wrong.
I swear I think I was meant to live in a time like that. My stories my words echo passion and love beyond these days comprehension. I only hope that I raise my son with the sensitivity and pride of a man like Mr. Darcy. If I never in my life time get to experience such deep love myself, at least my son might have the chance to love someone in the way perhaps I was never meant.
If you have never read the book or seen the movie I urge you, it is most fantastic. For the time you are reading, or maybe even watching the movie you will experience the love I am talking about. The movie is a bit long about 2 hrs 15 min..get Kleenex and plot yourself, I am surely you will be affected. Maybe not as profoundly as me but most certainly you will have watched one of the greatest films of all time, or read the greatest book ever printed.
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